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Robo Haircut

The robot uses only scissors—no trimmers—adding another layer of difficulty. Even trickier: It also has to separate chunks of hair so it can laser in on that section, sort of like your hairstylist might while combing and fingering through your locks.

  • YouTuber Shane Wighton has built a robotic barber that can cut his hair.
  • In his video, Wighton explains how he trained the robot to separate sections of his hair, like a stylist might with a comb or their fingers.
  • This isn't Wighton's first quarantine project. Earlier this year, Popular Mechanics spoke with him about his never-miss basketball hoop.

In the video, Wighton explains how he trained the robot to use two combs to separate the sections of hair. He even built a special mechanism for it. But what might make sense for a person doesn't always make sense for a robot; for the system to see each hair and separate them, it would need overhead cameras and advanced object detection algorithms.

On to Plan B: Next, Wighton replaced the comb device with a simple vacuum tube that sucks up the hair, allowing it to go in with the scissors. We won't spoil what happens.

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